Thursday, March 12, 2009

~Birthday "Babies"~

Here are all of the birthdays of our goats that we know:
Stardust: February 23rd 2007 parents: Cookie and Velvet
Comet and Starlight: November 28th 2007 parents: Cookie and Velvet
Jeffrey and Joey: January 28th 2008 parents: Cookie and Stardust
Skylar and Katrina: June 9th 2008 parents: Cookie and Velvet
Annaliese and Genevieve: Jan. 3rd 2009 parents Cookie and Velvet
Charlotte: February 10th 2009 parents: Pete and Valorie
Arthur: February 21st 2009 parents: Pete and Cassidy
This month Essie (one of our boer does) is due. Very soon we will hopefully have 1 to 2 more babies!!!! She is our last kidding so far that we know of right now. We've already had 4 babies born this year! I'm hoping to post some pictures soon. :)

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