Friday, May 15, 2009


This past month has been kind of quiet with goat news. Nothing much has happened other than worming them a couple weeks ago. I also haven't been able to be out there with them very much at all since my allergies started kicking up. All I know is that the 2009 babies are growing and getting nice horns in. Gracie has done amazing since her eye trouble! She is so energetic and jumpy...she follows her momma really well too (which is good to know since we thought she was becoming blind). Charlotte is blooming with grace and poise as she is slowly becoming a "lady". She'll be 4months on June 10th. Arthur is huge! He's very masculine (like his father) and his horns are getting bigger every week. We also castrated him not too long ago so we won't have any problems with early pregnancies (hopefully...unless we were too late!) He will be 3 months next week. Annaliese and Genevieve are also blooming with grace and beauty. They are soon to be 5 months old on June 3rd. :) We for sure need to clip all of there hooves here pretty soon. Pete (our boer buck) has been jumping into our yard lately and we still can't figure out how he's doing it. We've had to pen him up a few times. That's all the goat news though. Thankfully no deaths or illness. Praise the Lord! :)

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