Thursday, October 29, 2009

~Morning Chores~

I hurt my leg last week, so I haven't seen our goats for a few days since I couldn't walk on it too well. But thank goodness, this morning I could finally see our goats again as I went down to take care of them this morning. It's really rainy and wet out there. They are all so cute! One of our bucks was after Charlotte so we locked those two up in a separate pen last night so the others could get some sleep (the bucks tend to go nuts and be a little mean to the other goats). Anyway, that's all the goats news...I'll post again when I have some more! :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

~Goats And Mud~

The weather has been fabulous today...and the goats have enjoyed every bit of it I'm sure! They're all doing great, thankfully! Almost all last week it was extremely wet and rainy...and if I know one thing about goats for sure...THEY HATE MUD! They either stare at it, run through it really quickly, try to find a "safer" route to walk on, or they'll just absolutely refuse to walk through it all together! So their usual pen they sleep in was muddy, me and my sister go down to lock them up one night, and they're all out. Now that's extremely rare to find them outside their pen on a COLD, wet night - but they just wouldn't walk in the mud...which I find rather humorous as I'm sure you do too. :) To make a long story short, we put them in another pen that was less wet and muddy and they were satisfied there for the next 2 nights. :) Me and my sister also cleaned out their "goat house" (where they sleep)on Saturday...boy am I sore! I'm telling's a job! :) But it's worth it at the end once the straw is put down and you gaze at at your completed work with satisfaction.:)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

~Adorable Photos And Winter Weather~

It's been nasty weather outside these past few days. Our poor buck, Cookie, who is chained up since he's a little aggressive was very cold this morning. It's amazing how cold it is for this time of feels like Christmas already! The goats are also beginning to show their winter fur...we sort of skipped fall. They're cute though in the winter. Looking at those plump, furry bodies, with those sweet eyes is just too much! Anyway, nothing much that is new with our goat farm, so here's some more pics for you to enjoy!

Pictures info: The first pic is of our twin pygmy/nigerian dwarf does...aren't they lovely? The second is of our sweet Valorie who just so happens to be smooching in the camera (it is a real goat). The third is of her daughter, Charlotte,....seriously...once again THIS IS A REAL be honest I really don't know how I was able to snap such a priceless photo as this! The fourth is of our energetic Cocoa who happened to be running when I was taking this snapshot...don't you love her ears? And the last is of her twin brother, Brownie. He is very photogenic...don't you think?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

~Expecting Mothers~

Well, many does have become pregnant these past 2-3 days and March full!!! So far Essie, Annaliese, Gennavieve, Charlotte, Katrina, and Velvet are all pregnant (more than likely...some for sure...and some are just common sense!). Anway, the estimated due dates for each are Essie-March 1st Katrina, Annaliese, and Charlotte - March 7th Velvet - March 8th Gennavieve - March 9th
Anyway, here's some pics of each of the new expecting mothers!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Introductions to A Few Of The Goats

This is Essie who is white with brownish red markings (a doe we bought along with Valorie at an auction) and this is Arthur with his shiny redish brown hair, who was our first boer baby buck born to Cassidy in late February 2009...aren't they adorable?!

These are pictures of a couple of our 2009 summer babies! Cocoa and Brownie...they are cuties!

This is Valorie whom we bought at an auction last summer. She is very sweet and has a daughter who was born in February 2009.