Thursday, January 14, 2010

Spencer's First Visits :)

Spencer's visits have now begun as the weather is in the 40s right's so wonderful to feel grass under your feet again! Yesterday was the first time I took him out there to make introductions with our other 16 goats. They did not seem to mind him too much, but they also weren't sure if they liked him. His mommy looked like she thought she recognized him as her baby, but then shoved it off...because there was no bonding that she did with him. But Spencer acted  like he knew her as his head went straight up when he saw her. My grandparents thought that maybe rubbing some of Valorie's spit in his coat may help her recognize him because he'll smell like her. I think it's a really good idea. We haven't tried it yet, but we may do it here pretty soon. Today though I think the goats were a little more social with him. Gracie really liked him, so she might actually be the one to take him in! (She's not even a mother yet!) :) But none of them except his sister, Charlotte, bucked him or was mean to him...they were simply trying to figure the poor little guy out. He liked to walk around on the ground's just all so new to him. And he didn't seem to mind all of the goats coming up to smell him, which I thought was amazing as he probably has barely a memory of any of them. But I think he felt like he fit in. That he was missing something by being in the house with us. So here in a couple weeks he will most likely be with the other goats learning their ways. It will be very sad when he does leave the house, I will miss him a lot! But it will be good for him.
Since yesterday we've been trying to give him a little grain...he spits it out and sneezes. Although once today I think he actually swallowed one othe pieces I gave him. I can already tell though that it's going to be VERY hard to get him to eat grass, hay, and grain. It will be a challenge, but he's going to have to learn how sometime.
I'll have more recent pictures of him posted soon. He's grown a lot! :)

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