Saturday, March 6, 2010

Starly And Momma Annaliese

Well Starlene is doing just fabulous! She's walking around ALL the time, loves to explore by the way - but doesn't like to be too far away from her momma. If she is, then she gives off this loud alarm for her mom to come! She's nursing almost seem like it's every five minutes! She'll suck on one teat for three seconds and then move to the other teat for three seconds and then goats can be so entertaining! She has not learned the little goat dance yet, but I'm hoping she will soon - it's always fun to see! And Miss Annaliese is doing a beautiful job raising her sweet doeling. I can tell she feels a little left out as she's not with the other 16 goats...but she will  be in a couple days. Other than that, she seems to be perfectly happy with her new little companion. She's a good mommy, just like her mother, Velvet.
Normally with each baby goat born on this farm we give them a nick-name. So Starlene's nick-name is Starly. Isn't that cute? Here's her baby information:
 Starlene: March 4, 2010  - About 11pm - Dad: Pete - Mom: Annaliese   Female

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