Monday, November 23, 2009

~Happy Thanksgiving Goats~

This morning I went out and took some pictures of our goats. Hadn't done it in a couple week so I thought I should. I'll hopefully post some of them in a few days. Cassidy tonight looked like she MIGHT be kidding soon. I can never figure her out. But I wouldn't be surprised if she has her baby(s) in a couple more weeks - if she's pregnant. I know it sounds pretty bad. We don't always know when our does get pregnant. Normally we can tell after a couple months that they're pregnant though. Back in August and September we thought for sure she would kid. Her ligaments were really soft and she was huge! But if she does kid here in a couple weeks that means she would have gotten pregnant around that time. And if that's true then I think her body begins gettting ready for the "big day" right after she's pregnant. I'm not sure if that's possible or not, but it's the only thing I can come up with. :) I won't be posting anymore this week since we're going to be travelling for Thanksgiving. Before we leave we'll give them a lot of food and water, say our good-byes and won't be seeing them again until Friday night. Lord willing they'll be okay while we're gone. I hope our goats have a wonderful Thanksgiving! And you too of course! :) :) :)...

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