Friday, November 20, 2009


I woke up this morning and went to do the chores. I found that Annaliese and Hosea found out how to get into the orchard by sliding underneath a fence that was inside the pen where the loafing shed is placed. Those sneaky pygmies ALWAYS seem to find a way to get into places they're not allowed to be in. I know this because the boer goats haven't ever had this problem...or at least not this bad. :) And Comet!! He literally "flew" over a fence we never thought he would know how to get over...but surprise!! He did! And boy did he do it well. All he had to do was get on top of a couple logs and leap over the pretty high fence that was there for a reason. I know now that it wasn't high enough! :) :) :)
Earlier today when we were out there, Essie and Cassidy were having a HUGE fight. About what? We don't know. But they were furious! They just kept going and going and going and going and going! Essie in particular would't give up bucking Cass - I have to tell you...I've never seen Essie look this evil before. Now, there's one thing you have to know before I go any further with this story. Essie is mean. Is that simple enough? She's pretty dumn and can be very mean to the other goats. So back to the story. As they're both fighting and hitting and hitting and fighting...Velvet gets tired of watching the war between the two and gets jealous (she likes to get into fights). So she decides that she's needed and "goes in for the kill". She waltses in to the "arena" and pushes Essie as they both fight. And then she bucks her "up and down up and down", as if she was saying..."Essie! I've had enough! You stop this "goat business" this instant! OR ELSE!!" She surrounds them. Her back hair is up - that means she's REALLY mad. Every once in a while she goes back in and gives them a little nudge as if to say,  "Break it up girls, break it up!". Well, Valorie is watching on the other end and gets tired of watching all the excitement and thinks she's needed too. So what do you think she does? She goes in! She gangs up on Essie and then they all four start butting each other! I've never seen FOUR does get into a this big of a fight before. They were just going at it! Valorie would be saying, "Let me at her!" Velvet, "Ahhhhhh! I'm so mad at you three!" Cassidy, "That's it!! You are SOOOO getting it!" And Essie,"Oooooh, I'm gonna... I'm gonna...well ...when I think of it I'll let you know, but for now, you get this and that and that and this!!" (remember she's dumn). Sometimes they would split into twos and fight that way. Velvet with Valorie (the two V's), and Cassidy and Essie. Finally, things calmed down and receded. But as we all watched this hilarious "show" we were all howling! We just thought that it was so funny. Never on our farm had we seen something like this. All I can say is...I WON'T forget it!

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