Thursday, November 19, 2009

"Over the Hills And Through The Mud, To The Loafing Shed We All Go"

Last night when we closed the goats up, once again there were the same five goats in the goat house and the same ten in the loafing shed. We decided to move the five to the loafing shed with their other fellow goat "mates"...they looked a little lonely. Plus, Velvet outright deserted her babies each night as she decided to stay with the ten and have a night off of "babysitting" and leave the twins with the other three in the goat house. So I had had enough of that and moved them both with their mommy. As I have said before, however, GOATS HATE MUD. It's been EXTREMELY wet and muddy these past couple days and I had a little trouble getting the babies to walk through the mud to leave their pen. Brownie I think was the most hilarious. We have wood planks down on the groud in their pen that lead to the "doorway" so they won't have to walk through as much mud. So as I called Brownie to come out of the pen, he took the planks and was walking towards me and then all of a sudden he stopped at the doorway. He looked down at the mud that happened to be outside of the doorway, and he decided he wasn't going to go any furthur. His little "" was so adorable as he looked up at me with pleading eyes. "Please don't make me walk through mud. I don't like it. Please pick me up and carry me! Please, please, please!!" it almost sounded like he was saying to me. Well, I'm a softy and after a little coaxing I gave up and picked the big baby boy up and carried him to the loafing shed. You could say he "caught a ride". He bleated again really quietly in my arms as if to say "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!" as if he was on the verge of tears (if goats could cry). :) Cocoa was pretty similar, although she finally gave up and walked through it with "courage" and followed me to the other shelter. Comet was actually the first to walk out and desert the other four. I didn't have to coax him at all, he just went straight on over there. Essie and Gracie...well... let's just say they're the stupid goats of our herd and I had to drag them out. Here are some pics of the "Faithful Five" of the goat house. Enjoy! :)

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