Sunday, November 1, 2009

~My "Babies"~

Today has been so beautiful! I went out earlier to take some pictures of our goats. Cookie sure loves roaming around with his fellow "goat friends" (He's normally on a chain). Everyone is doing great! Cocoa is becoming a lovely little lady as her brother Brownie is becoming a hansom young wether. Hosea is dong wonderful as well...he is growing so fast! He's almost as big as his mother, Katrina (though she is kind of small). :):)... All of our other 2009 babies seem to have grown up already...I can't believe they're all close to being a year old here in a few more months! Time flies! As a mother would say..."my babies are growing up!" And of course, as you know, I think that all of our "older" does are all pregnant...which I'm very excited about! Only, hopefully this year they'll all be born in the spring, instead of the winter. But sometimes I don't have a say in the matter...check that...almost all the time I don't have a say in the matter! Pretty much ALL of our babies have been born in the winter! :) :)... But oh well, as long as they're healthy little babies and they stay that way...then I can compromise. :) :) :)... Here's a few of the pics I took today and a cute video of Cocoa. Enjoy them! :)

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