Tuesday, November 3, 2009

~Essie and The Goats~

I opened the goats this morning and found that our doe, Essie, was limping on her left leg. Hopefully it's better now, I haven't checked. She seemed to be able to get around fine, so I don't think it was that serious. (thankfully!) I finally let the goats out into our orchard field...they were very excited about that! They love all the different kinds of grass and plants that exist there. We were keeping them out because the "smarter" ones were getting into places through holes that they weren't supposed to know about. But I thought that today it would be alright. :) They are really funny though. Our pygmies are so smart! Since they're small they tend to get through really small openings like it's a piece of cake. So they find ways to get into our neighbor's field, our clearing in the woods, and into our north field...like I said...they're smart. Our boer goats on the other hand are a lot dummer than our pygmies. They can't figure out the "hole thing" too well. (Thank goodness!) So as my sister says..."Goats are smarter than sheep, but dummer than cows" :) :) :)...

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