Wednesday, November 4, 2009

~Staring Goats and Fallen Leaves~

It was CHILLY outside this morning! As I walked down to open the gate for our goats, they all just stared at me as they stood out in the cold weather. I think it's so funny the way they wait for you to come down. It's like they're saying..."We've been waiting!" as they roll their eyes (if they could!) :) The moment they were let out they went straight for the fallen leaves underneath one of our trees that flourishes each year. Goats LOVE fallen leaves...they gobble them down as if they were pigs! (Thankfully they're not!) Essie's leg is doing a little better...she was still babying it a little this morning. I haven't figured out what could've happened, but like I said's nothing that serious. A lot of our goats limp every once in while. They either get into fights or one of the meaner or greedier goats takes advantage of their weakness and hurts them. They're strong though, so I think Essie's fine. :) Here's some pics of Comet - posing as "the staring goat"...Cocoa - posing as the goat eating a leaf...and Cassidy and Essie - posing as the "fighting goats" (or mean ones, whichever you prefer...:):)

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