Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sticking Together

Earlier today I saw all of our goats running together to the orchard. Goats, as I'm sure you know, are herd animals. They can't live alone, they HAVE to have a companion. It's just a part of their nature. So with our goats, they're not always ALL together, but most of the time they're not alone. Some are dispersed over there, and some are over here. Now, one of our goats can be an exception however. Hosea, has always been really independent. Yes, he REALLY likes to be with the herd. But when he was little and even now sometimes, he likes to stay with me until I leave - even when the herd has already left to go graze. He likes to explore and go off by himself every once in a while too. He's a cutie pie. :) Here are some pics of a few of our goats and their companions. (They're always with somebody!) :) The first is of Cassidy (left) and Pete (right)...they are love birds! :) The second is of Katrina and her son Hosea...she's a first timer and she loves her baby very much. :) The third is of our three summer babies (Cocoa, Brownie, and Hosea)as they play... "Who can push down Cocoa first!" :) The fourth is of Valorie, Charlotte, and Arthur as they lay out in the sun together. Valorie has someimes literally taken Arthur in even though he's not her baby. :) The fifth is of Cassidy and her son, Arthur...she is an amazing mother and just adores her baby! I don't think I've ever seen a mommy doe like her before! :) Hope you enjoy looking at the sweet pictures! :) :)...

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