Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Babies Coming Soon ....Today or Tomorrow :)

I just got back from taking care of the goats and I have some news about Cassidy. Her udder I believe is completely full, her stomach has dropped a whole lot, her ligaments are even more noticeably soft, and her whole bottom back there has sunk quite a bit. She had a tiny bit of discharge, not the mucous plug, but I really think that will be coming later on today or tomorrow. What I think is so funny, is that I made a prediction to my sister and said that she would kid on December 15th...wa-lah! I am very close right now as it IS December 15th, and who knows I could be right! :)
I don't think she was feeling all that well either...she's going to kid really soon. I gave our others goats orders to watch out for her, especially her son. Ha, ha, ha. :) I'll post when she kids...yey! :)

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