Thursday, December 10, 2009

More Signs And First Snowfall

It snowed! A day or two ago it finally snowed.  So almost all of our 2009 babies experienced their first snow. Actually really it was a lot of our goats' first snow - it barely snowed last year. The first morning after the snow I went down there, they just looked so confused. Even when I left, they didn't seem to know what to do. "What's this white stuff? It's cold. What are we supposed to eat now?" it was almost as if they were asking. But apparently they figured it out as the snow is still there, and they haven't starved to death - thankfully! :) Cassidy has been showing even more signs lately. A few nights ago I noticed that while she was laying down, her tail would rise, her ears would go up, and it was almost as if she was pushing - like she was having contractions or something. But no babies. And that was a few days ago, and still no babies. She still seems to do it each night, and I'm not sure what it means. Hopefully there's nothing wrong. But you can tell that her body's getting ready for it, because she has been pooping and peeing a lot more as her system is trying to get rid of it all beforehand. Her udder also seems to be more full. I'm hoping that she'll have them really soon, but at the same time I don't know if it would be very safe since it's been FRIGID outside these past couple days. Last nigth it was 7 degrees with a wind-chill of 10 more to be said. But the Lord will allow her to kid in His own time. All we have to do is watch and wait for the big day. :)  Here are some winter pics of our goats in the first snow of the year. :)

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