Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Still No Babies - BUT HOPE

Well, as I'm sure you already know, Cassidy still has not had any babies. I think the strings of goo were just regular discharge that comes when a doe is close to kidding. It does happen a few days before the mothers actually kid sometimes...I guess that explains her. Still, I'm not giving up hope...after seeing her tonight I truly think she might kid tomorrow or Christmas day...wouldn't that be awesome? Here are my reasons...tonight she was lying down on the hay with just such a desperate expression on her face (goats do make expressions by the way!). I could see in her eyes that she was pleading for me to pet her or just to be with her. She did not look like she felt good, her ligaments got even softer and she stretched her belly once again. She also licked me a little on the hand...that's a sign (I think they do that to get their tongue ready to clean the babies when the come). I'm really hoping she'll have them soon, what a great Christmas present that would be!

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