Monday, December 28, 2009


I can't figure that goat out...after 2-3 weeks she still has not had any babies! It's beginning to get a little frustrating. All the signs I've seen in her I've seen in our other does that are just about to kid...only she's sooo much slower. Last night it looked as if she was pushing. There was something there that looked like it was trying to come out. Her ligaments felt completely gone, her udder was huge, her stomach looked low...what more is there? But still, as Cassidy would have babies. I didn't think she would have them last night, I figured she would wait until morning. So when I went down to take care of the goats this morning I thought for sure (although there was some doubt after so many false alarms) I'd see the mucous string along with her having contractions...but no. She was fine. I still left her in the birthing pen and am hoping AND PRAYING that she'll kid today...I'm getting very impatient. :) Please Cassidy...have them. :)

Later on:  Great news! Cassidy looked like she had the mucous string I say "looked like" because I'm not %100 possitive after all of these false alarms we've had. But hopefully it was and we'll have some babies tonight or early tomorrow morning. :)

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