Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Things Are Clearing Up...

I think I've figured her out. So I guess I could say, Eureka! Anyway, since this morning I was beginning to think that Cassidy might be having some complications. A couple nights ago, as you know, it looked like she was pushing and there was some "sack-like" thing visible. Of course, our first response is..."Go get the birthing kit! They're coming tonight!". But, surprise, she didn't have them (and she still hasn't by the way, I guess that string we saw last night was just more regulare discharge). As you also know, Cassidy is just plain strange when it comes to kidding...she does nothing like our other does do. So, I decided that that sack-like thing we're seeing, is probably the placenta - also known as water bag. That's all it can be, otherwise...she would be having them right now! I've also noticed that when she rears up on the fence with her two front legs, I feel for her ligaments, but I can't. The reason is there is some body there that's just waiting to come out. It feels like the head of one of them to me. So that just means that she will probably have them before the weekend comes and Lord willing it will be a safe birth with healthy little ones born. :) :) :)...

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