Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Dumn And The Silly

Today we've been working on baby goat wraps for the new little ones when they come - because it's going to be cold! One is pink and the other is purple - I'm really hoping we have twin girls! :) No new signs with Cassidy, she's the same.
I have another really funny story to tell. Last night me and my older sister were outside taking care of Cassidy and it was really quiet. We had just gotten all the other goats in their pen for the night...or so we thought. As we're watching Cass I all of a sudden heard this noise - like a burp or something. My first thought is "There's something behind us". But I tossed that aside thinking that it was probably Cassidy. Still, just to make sure I turned around to look over at the haybale pen and guess who I saw? Gracie. Yes, the lovely, slightly dumn baby of Essie had no idea that the other goats were put away and she was one of the only ones still eating. Another thing that's funny is that we had a scooper with a little grain in it to lead the other goats into their pen, and she took no notice of it. That's why we call her a little dumn. So my sister went and grabbed her to put her away. When she came back we decided to make sure that there weren't any other naughty goats still out in the haybales. My sister walks over there and suddenly something starts moving on top of the hay bales. It was a little scary at first and then we got up the courage to check it out. We lifted the tarp flap and our eyes beheld the sweet, innocent figures of Brownie and Cocoa. They were on top of the hay bales, moving around, also unaware that everybody else was put away. Silly goats. :)

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