Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Babies :)

Okay, I can barely believe that I am telling you this...WE FINALLY HAD BABIES!!!!! Yes, after this long wait we finally have more babies to cuddle with and love...only one thing. THEY ARE NOT CASSIDY'S BABIES!!!! Yeah, I know, as shocking as this sounds, they're not hers! So who's are they? Velvet's. Yes, they're Velvet's...the goat that surprises us all the time. I figured she was pregnant but I didn't know HOW pregnant until tonight. But she fooled us BIG time today!  I'm just so thankful that we had some more born...and on New Year's Day of all days! We have a new baby girl and a baby boy...which is pretty normal when it comes to Velvet. The girl is so cute! She's almost all brown with white on her legs and stomach, and black on her face...she looks like a paint! The hansom little boy (whom I believe came out first) is almost all white with a little bit of black on him...they're still a little dirty so it's kind of hard to tell. We don't have names yet but eligible names are Christine and Emmit - but we're not possitive. What I just can't get over is that they're not Cassidy's! Since we didn't know Velvet was REALLY pregnant, she was with all the other goats. Tonight was just another typical night to go and close them up. I went in their "house" to count them and there laying next to his mother was the little white boy. At first it's just kind of like "A baby? We have a baby? Who's is this? WE HAVE A BABY!" almost seemed like a dream. "Where did this baby come from?" was the question whirling in my head. I checked Valorie..."No" I looked at other females..."No". The last one I checked was Velvet's and YES, that baby was hers! I finally found the girl who was behind the "mama". But I'm telling you, I was in shock for a while...I was so surprised. And now I'm just plain happy! New Year's Babies! It's a great way to kick off the New Year! Thank you Lord! :)
"How could you not know I was going to have babies soon ? Are you dumn or something? You should know me well enough by now!" Well, Velvet...this time...YES we were a little dumn this time!! But glad everything went well! Ha, ha, ha, ha ... :)

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