Saturday, January 2, 2010

Victor And Victoria Fighting To Live

This morning I went to take care of the goats to find the new twins half frozen to death. I knew yesterday would not be a good day to have babies as it was supposed to be 9 degrees. I just had no idea about Velvet being that pregnant. So, I picked the babies up and took them inside the house to defrost and get fed (I don't think they got very much from their mother since they were so cold). We wrapped them up in towels and hot pads, gave them some milk, and now they're sleeping in a box together. They look a lot better...I'm praying that they will live. We have names picked out though, neither of them are the ones I told you about last night. The girl is named Victoria, and the boy is Victor...isn't that cute? We thought the names fit perfectly since they are fighting to live right now. Here are a few pictures I took earlier. The one on the left is Victoria, and on the right is Victor. As you can see, they are both wrapped up really well, but at least you can see their faces. I'll post more about them soon.

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