Saturday, January 2, 2010

Life And Death

Those two babies fought and fought earlier for life, and sadly the sweet baby girl, Victoria, died about an hour ago. It was very sad, but at the same time I think she's better was a huge struggle for her. Little Victor though, who just so happens to be the one we thought probably wouldn't make it, is doing great! He's been eating and is able to stand and walk around. We think he's going to be fine after a day or two. But there's no guarantee of him being with his mom soon...the weather for the next few days is going to be 20 degrees and below. We might have to bottle feed him all the way. But we'll cross that road when it comes. I'm just so thankful to the Lord that he's okay.
But poor little Victoria...she was so beautiful and sweet. I'm glad she died early though so that we didn't know her very well. Because had we known her well, it would have been even harder to let her go. We'll miss her and she'll never be forgotten.

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