Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Memory Of The Twins...But Spencer Lives On

Well I have some bad news and some good news. The bad news is, Victor didn't make it. It's amazing how fast death takes a hold of something. Like I said earlier, he was doing great...and then it just hit him like a baseball bat. He just slowly died the same way his poor sister did. They both fought a good and long fight...but I think they are both better off now then they were this morning. We'll miss Victor and his sister, but to be honest...I'm relieved that it's over. They were half dead this morning and it just seems that since then this whole day has been sad...and I don't think they would have made it anyway had they stayed alive a little longer. Victor and Victoria will never be forgotten and I'll always have them close to my heart.
However, the REALLY good news is...Valorie had a baby! Yes, not Cassidy (once again)...but Valorie! Those does out there are full of surprises! We've got a VERY healthy little boy who I believe we have named Spencer. He's a big guy with a BIG appetite. We took him inside right away and he'll be spending the night with us for the next few nights. Tonight me and my older sister are going to take shifts for watching and feeding him. The couch is going to come in handy. :)  Since he's strong though, we're going to take him outside to his mom for food at certain times each day. He's almost all white with different patches of light tan and maybe gray...Spencer is a cutie! I'm just amazed at how much this day has brought. We've had three babies born over these past two days...two died and one lived. We lost two but the Lord gave us one back as a reminder that he's in control and that he wants to bless us. "The Lord giveth and he taketh away". Thank you Lord for giving Spencer to us! :)

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