Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Annaliese And Gennavieve

Today we are celebrating a couple goats birthday! Annaliese and Gennavieve have now turned one. After this past weekend I'm not so sure it's a true HAPPY birthday, but at least we have little Spencer to cheer us up. I still  remember the night we found Anna and Genna already born and being cleaned by their wonderful mother, Velvet. They were born around 11:00 pm on a Saturday last year. It was deffinititely an exciting night as our first twin girls were born. They sure were cuties! I remember a song we used to sing to them when they were babies. It was taken off of some song called "My Girls" I think. But anyway, it went like this..."My girls, my girls, my girls! Talking 'bout my girls! Annaliese, Gennavieve!". You'd have to hear it with the tune. But I liked it and we sung it to them as "their special song". I love those two. Sadly, later this year we will be selling them...I'll cherish the moments I have with them until then. Happy Birthday you two!
"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Annaliese and Gennavieve! Happy birthday to you!"
Wha-hoo! :)

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