Monday, January 4, 2010

More Death...Thanking God For Spencer

Well, Cassidy finally had her babies in the middle of a night we weren't expecting, it was cold and they didn't make it sadly. These were the babies we had been looking so forward to having...and these were the ones we were for sure about. But nature had its way again. Those does just have to kid overnight while we're not out there. Because had it been during the day, we would have been able to take the kids in as soon as they were born. Those twins would have been cuties. I'm not possitive, but she might have miscarried a third baby. But there's no guarantee for that, so I'm just going to say she had twins (whom I believe were a boy and a girl). It's so sad. And it was hard for me because I was the one who had to take them out. Poor Cassidy though, she was devestated. I've never seen a mommy doe like this before when she looses babies. I feel bad for all the mommies out there who lost babies, including Valorie...even though Spencer's still alive and doing well with us. These few days have been sad. We've had 5 babies born over the course of four days, and one VERY special baby boy lived...and I'm praising God for it! I don't know what I would do if I lost him too - that would just be way too much for me to handle. But we are not going to let this happen next year. From now on, I think we're going to make sure all of our does get pregnant in the winter or late fall, so that they kid in the spring or summer...that would prevent so much hurt. What's so strange though is that we've had A LOT of babies born in the winter before and almost all of them did fine. I guess this winter is just extra cold, that's the only explanation I can come up with. I'm thanking the Lord for little Spencer - or should I say big Spencer...he's already grown a lot since his birth. Here are some cute pictures of the very special baby buck who's being pampered and loved inside our caring home. :)

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