Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby Spencer

Spencer has been donig wonderful these past few days. Sadly, his mommyValorie dried up and did not accept him when we took Spencer outside to see if she would let him nurse. So he's going to be a full-time bottle fed baby. This is definitely a new experience for all of us as we've NEVER bottle fed a baby goat before, but we're learning very quickly. It's actually not that hard. We've figured out a good feeding schedule for him. Four times a day at 12am, 6am, 12pm, and 6pm. He's also become more playful...he's starting to do the little "goat dance" - if you've never seen it before just understand that it's REALLY cute! :) I do enjoy having him inside, because you can hold him in your arms or lap, you can take him for walks in our utility room...and actually picking up any of his puddles or droppings is not as hard as I thought it would be. He's one of the cleanest babies I've ever known!  He has this special ball now that he likes to cuddle up to when he's laying down. It's so funny to watch him rub on it and hug it next to his head...the ball has become his friend as strange as that sounds! He sure is a pampered baby though. He's getting more love in a day than any of our babies outside got in a week (we can't be outside all the time). :) :) :). Our nightshifts also have been working out really well. I'm still the midnight-4am shift and my sister is the 4am-8am shift. I am more tired but I'm telling you...it's so worth it! I love our little Spencer and I wouldn't trade him for the world! :)

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