Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Trying New Things With Spencer :)

Little Spencer is sleeping in this room where I am right now. He's always so peaceful and calm. He's one of the sweetest babies I've ever had the privilege to know. Last night we put up a nice big dog cage for him to stay in as the plastic box was gettting a little small. :) He doesn't seem to mind it too's definitely a lot more roomy which I'm sure he appreciates. These past couple nights he hasn't woken us up at all. I feed him right before I go to bed and my sister gets up at 6am, but he sleeps pretty soundly through almost the whole entire night - which I'm very thankful for! The first night he was getting me up almost every hour it seemed like (although I could be exaggerating). :) We're also going to be brave and try something new with him. We're going to get Spencer diapers. Yes, I know, I'm sure your first reaction is almost a burst of laughter. But seriously, think with me. We already tryed one on him and we think it will work very well. He's "going to the bathroom" almost ever 10-15 minutes it seems like and within these 4-5 days we're all ready out of paper towels! So the diaper might save us some trouble and money. It's an experiment, but I truly think that it will succeed, right Spencer? Like I said, he's a sleep. :) :) :)...

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