Thursday, January 7, 2010

Adorable Spencer :) :) :) :) :) :)...

Well the really good diaper idea was discarded as we decided that super absorbant underpads would work better. But I still like the diaper idea. :) Spencer's fifth day of life went very well. Apparently from my mom's and sister's point of view he looked like he had a little diarrhea this morning, but he's been perfectly fine since. So I'm not so sure he did. But that's just my opinion. Our little guy has started jumping on boxes and carriers to our great delight! I'm glad he's not missing out on the different skills his mother would have otherwise taught him. The only thing that will be hard to teach him is eating grass. Hay and grain should be taken care of by the time he's weaned (Lord willing!). But he's such a very easily pleased baby...I guess you could say Spencer's almost perfect! He loves it when I take him out of his cage to stretch his legs for a little while. He especially likes to fight a pair of boots we have near him...he buts them and buts them until their fully defeated as they fall to the floor! I find it very ammusing to watch.:)
Next week if the weather gets nicer we will start taking him to the other goats for visits. And hopefully he can begin stretching his legs a bit on the porch as there is much more room out there then in here for him to roam around.
I've started seeing different traits he's recieved from his mommy and daddy. One in particular is the way he looks at you and blinks his eyes. Valorie is a pro at this and it's very difficult to explain. Just understand that she has a very distinct way of blinking her eyes and they're constantly twinkling at's very sweet. So you can only imagine how sweet it looks when her baby son does it. :) A trait from his daddy would have to be the way he makes noises with his nose. Pete has always snorted a lot when he eats and breaths...I could never figure out why. It's like he's always had a cold - but yet he's a perfectly healthy buck. Spencer thankfully doesn't do this very much, but he does it every once in a while. It took me a while to figure out where he got it from but then the answer came...THAT'S OUR PETE! :)
Little Spencer also has very long, big ears as I'm sure you've already noticed through the few pictures I've shown you of him. He's got Nubian in his blood somewhere. Valorie I've found has quite a few different goat breeds in her line. Saanan I'm almost possitive is one of them. And now Nubian we think as well.
We ADORE our baby Spencer and enjoy every moment we have with him! I will definitely miss it when he has to leave the house. :(

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