Wednesday, January 27, 2010

King Of The Mountain :)

I have to give it to that Spencer. He's a little onry "rebel". Every time we've taken him outside he seems to fit PERFECTLY in. And I mean perfectly. Spencer doesn't get too scared or frightened when a goat comes up to smell him or butt him. In fact, when one of our goats does come up to butt him...he butts them right back! I've never seen a baby goat be so confident before...and those are the ones raised outside. He's a bottle fed, house raised goat that is full of pride and confidence...inside the house and outside. That little fellow can also be pretty greedy.
One situation that would demonstrate his greediness would be earlier today. Arthur had been standing on two or three cement blocks all grouped together. Well, Spencer sees him and decides he's going to get on top of the blocks too...even if it means butting or pushing Arthur off. Now you have to understand the size difference. Compared to Arthur, Spencer is a little "David"  while Art is Goliath (only to him anyway).
So he walks up to the blocks and tries to get on top. He runs into some trouble (which was suspected) with Arthur as his "enemy" butts him and pushes him away. Now most babies would stop at this point and waltz off some where else getting distractted. But no, Spencer was determined. HE WAS GOING TO GET ON TOP OF THOSE CEMENT BLOCKS. So he starts rearing up at Arthur with furiousness. Butting him and pushing him and butting him and pushing him. It was like that little "rebel"  was saying, "Let me at him! Let me at him!". Arthur I could tell was a little shocked that this "little goat" was so "viscious". But Goliath won in the end of the fight as David was just too small. (Definitely a twist of the bible story). :) Spencer ran away a few steps back and occupied himself with something else. Eventually Arthur plopped off of the cement blocks...and who do you think followed after him? Spencer. His perfect chance. So he walked right up to the blocks and stood on top. He proudly became the "King Of The Mountain". :)

You'll have to excuse the eye color in the picture above. I guess it was just the flash that made it look like the blue you see in his eyes.  :)

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