Saturday, January 16, 2010

OUR GROWING BOY :) :) :) :) :)...

Here are some very recent pictures of our adorable, growing Spencer. Compared to the pictures we took last week, he looks like he doubled his size since then. My baby's growing up. :) He took another visit to the goats earlier and found that he liked to nibble the grass...thankfully! I was so surprised to see him do it, I thought it would take forever until he even started to lick it...but surprise, surprise...he did it on his third visit. :) He might have eaten a little too, I couldn't tell. I guess he just thought..."Well, I see all the others eating this stuff, maybe I'll try some I can be like the big goats!". He's such a sweetie. :) Although, he doesn't know  that he can run, jump, hop, and walk around out there just hasn't registered very well in the little brain of his. But it will in time (hopefully!). :) :) :)...
Right now he's being fed by my younger sister. He gulps that whole bottle down in less than 3 minutes! I've never seen a goat eat as fast and as heartily as he does! Like I've said before, he's a GROWING boy! :)
Enjoy the pics! :) :) :)...

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