Monday, January 18, 2010

Our Miracle Spencer :)

Right now I'm sitting on the computer waiting for our sweet little Spencer to go to sleep. It seems like he's more tired during the day than he is at night! Now whenever we feed him at night, we have to wait in the same room until he falls asleep....because otherwise he starts going nuts. So it's early in the morning, and that's what I'm doing at this moment. Putting Spencer to bed. :) But it's all worth it. I wouldn't change him for the world even if I could. He's such a special baby boy that I guess you could say we saved. Because I know he would have died like the other four babies had we left him outside that night he was born. It's also possible that we might not have known about him...he had a very slight chance if you think about it. Because had he been born let's say in the early afternoon, we would not have known until later that night...and it could've been too late at that point. So our little (more like BIG now!) Spencer is a miracle and I love him so much. I don't think I could ever sell him or give him away to someone else...HE'S HERE TO STAY. :)

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