Thursday, January 21, 2010

Spencer And... "THE TRASH BAG"

Everything has been going wonderful with our goats. The goats are still enjoying the well-deserved grazing time they've been getting these past few days. I think we won't get any more snow, so Lord willing they won't have to endure that long wait again.
Spencer has been growing so fast! His horns are about to be visible. Right now the hair above them is popping up making it look like he has "hair horns". But those little studs are very tangible as I've been feeling them every day. :) Earlier today I had to get out a new trash bag for all of his "precious gifts" he gives WAY too often! (He's a goat, what can I say). :) Now you have to understand that, as I've said before, Spencer is VERY sensitive to noise. Most of the time it's good noise. For instance, my voice and my siblings voices. But there is some bad noise that he is so scared to hear. And I didn't realize HOW scared of this noise he was until today. So as I said, earlier I was getting a new trash bag out for his dirty stuff, and in order to open it you have to lift it up and down...which makes a loud noise. Well, Spencer is out...THE MOMENT he sees the bag...he runs away as fast as he can and hides behind our computer chair while his little head is peeking out from behind it! He DOES NOT like the noise of "The Trash Bag". My heart goes out to him. I could see him saying as he runs away from it..."WUN!! (run)".
Bless his dear little heart. :)

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