Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Little Miss Charly :)

Well our dear little miss Charly (sh-ar-lie) is becoming a true young, beautiful doe as her birthday is in 8 days. She's turning one as hard as it is to believe. I still remember the day we found her. It had to have been hours after her birth. Surprise! She was almost all dry, happily walking around with her mother as cute as can be! I'll save the rest of her "life story" for the actual bday. But that's just a little sneek peek into her very first few  days with us. I love her and am very proud to have her as one of our does. She truly is no longer "little"  anymore. Quite the contrary. She has become a "lady" which is expected when all of our baby does turn 1. They just grow up too fast. Soon we will all be saying, "Happy 1st Birthday Charlotte!" (and many more!). :) :) :)...

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