Saturday, February 6, 2010

My House Baby, Now An Outside Baby

Well our "house baby" has finally left the roost finally. I do miss Spencer being in here with me as I post something on my always made life so much nicer. But today we couldn't stand the smell and decided to take him outside - permanently. So he's been out there ALL DAY, hasn't had too much trouble, other than it's cold, there's more snow on the ground, and the goats are ignoring him and being mean to him...but other than that...HE'S JUST DANDY! I knew this day was coming, and I knew it was going to be hard not only for him but for me. My heart just aches when I hear him cry out there for us...we're all of him mommies. He has no one else and probably never will. That's another reason why we are not selling him. He's here to stay either as a pet or a buck to breed our does. Either way, he's not going anywhere...he's stuck with us, which I'm sure he's very happy about. :) I am praying that during the night he won't be pushed out of the goat house and made to sleep in the snow...that would be aweful and I would feel like a really bad mother. So I'm just hoping that everything will work out and Spencer will be accepted...and get the hang of eating solid foods. :) :) :)...

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