Sunday, February 7, 2010


My older sister is sick, so tonight I went down to feed the baby and bring hay down to the goats - by myself. Now,'s not that hard. But when you're talking 17 goats, things can get a little on the messy side.
So first of all, I grabbed the hay bale, put it in the wagon, and headed down to the field where they were all staying. Once I was about half way there, the goats heard me. That can almost explain itself. So here those "precious" goats come running to the gate - which I had to get through. Somehow I made it in to the penned field without any bruises or scrapes. But the moment the wagon was pulled in there...goats started raiding it! Some on top, some trying to get on top, others leaning with their front legs all the way around it. But that was alright with me as I needed to feed the baby anyway. So I fed my sweet Spencer and then the real excitement began. Comet was on top of the hay bale at this moment, while all the other goats were pigging out from all four sides of the wagon as I was trying to pull it....I think I only made it a couple inches each pull! I picked one goat up and moved it, picked another goat up and shoved it away...still, they didn't seem to give up. I couldn't help but laugh as I trudged in the snow...thinking of all the goats around that wagon raiding the hay was funny enough...but Comet nonchalantly eating on top of the wagon was even more hilarious! FINALLY, after pushing and shoving and pulling...I made it to the goat house pen - with Comet still on top! :) After a couple minutes of taking a breath, I picked up the hay bale...all the goats following me of course, plopped it on to the floor of the goat house, undid the string, and wa-lah! Finished. Tired. But thankful I got it done!!!!

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