Monday, February 8, 2010


Well as I am sure you can tell by the title of this post...Spencer is back inside. I'm sitting here in this room with the big guy moving around in his cage. It's kind of nice. :) I'm sure you're wondering, "Why is he back in the house?". Well I have two words for you...MORE SNOW. We have a lot of snow that has come and is coming within the next day or so, the temperatures are going to be in the teens, and all the goats are ignoring him and pushing him out of the house...we couldn't help but bring the poor thing back inside as it's warmer and he needs some love from us - he's had it really tough since he's moved out there. All the goats just despise him - except Gracie. That dear sweet heart has almost taken him in as her own baby...and she's not even a mother yet! Gracie I have to say is truly one of the sweetest goats I have ever had the privilege to know. And I'm not just saying that because I am biased. She rarely pushes anybody around, she's very content, barely ever makes a peep, loves us dearly...what more could you ask for? I'm very proud of her reaction to the "newcomer" of the herd. She's handled him better than any of the other goats ever could. They're just all too into themselves and have way too much pride and selfishness inside to even think about a poor baby goat out there with them that has no mother and no one to take care of him except us. It's the sad truth. But that's just animals and in particular - goats. ESPECIALLY PYGMIES. Sure they can be very sweet, but sometimes they can get a little too haughty. Now I'm not talking about all 15 of them out there. Arthur and Essie aren't too bad to him, but they're still nothing like Gracie. Cookie, Pete, Hosea, Annie, Charlotte and Gennie are the main goats I am talking to. But that's just the way they are...sometimes it can be a little entertainging but in this case, it's not - it's just down right mean. So that's my lecture to "my babies" - be nice to the poor kid...and be more like Gracie! Too bad they can't understand English! :)

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