Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hurray, It's Charlotte's Birthday :)

Today is our dear special Charly's (sh-ar-lie) 1st birthday! We've had her for exactly a year today! To be honest it seems like we've had her longer than that, but as time would have it...I guess not! But anyway, Charlotte is very special to the herd because she was the FIRST BOER BABY ever born on this farm. She  started the boer baby trend...and since then, we've had ten boer babies born! :)
The day she was born is a story I could never forget. And the reason I can't forget it, is because we weren't there for the birth! In fact, we didn't find her until 3-4 hours after she was born! And we really barely even knew that Valorie was that close...we thought for sure that Cassidy (once again!) was going to kid before her. But no, Charlotte was first.
Here's the story:
For some reason I didn't go out to close the goats with Becca that day so I was in for a big shock! I remember as I was in my room hearing her scream out there. And of course, my heart stops, I pick up my feet and run to the door, and onto the porch! I ask her what's wrong...and she says..."There's a baby!". And that's how she was discovered. I went down there to see and there was our sweet little Charlotte, all dry, walking around with her mother Valorie. We figured out that she was probably born around 3-4 pm that day. I do remember at first she was a little scared of us...she had a right to be. We didn't meet her until way after her birth. But pretty soon she warmed up and we started referring to her as a "doll" or "dolly" because of her quick feet and simply because she was just a plain sweet, energetic baby! Thus baby doll.
Now she's a year old, and I bet if I showed her baby picture and her recent picture without telling you it was the same would think they were two different does! But they're not. It's our Charly. I'm very proud to call her mine. :)

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Charlotte! Happy birthday to you!" (AND MANY MORE!) :) :) :) :) :)...

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