Sunday, February 14, 2010

My House Baby, Now OFFICIALLY An Outside Baby

Well, Mr. Spencer is back outside once again! I know you must be thinking..."And in a few days, the 'rebel' is going to return to your house again, right?". Wrong. This is permanent, unless teen to negative weather comes in again. Otherwise he's officially an OUTSIDE BABY. And I really think he likes it out there ten times better than in here. There's more room to run, and I think he realizes that it's where he belongs...with other goats - no matter how mean they are to him! Although I think they are all beginning to warm up to the idea of having him be a part of the herd...forever. One way I can prove that to you is last night COMET of all goats was laying next to him outside of their goat house! AMAZING CHARACTER COMET! I think he's finally beginning to see that life is not all about HIM. Who knows. I just thought it was very sweet.  :)
"Gee, thanks."

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