Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Tribute To Stardust

This post is a tribute to our dear Stardust who was born to us three years ago today.  She was sadly killed by a dog attack two years ago to our great despair along with two others. It was definitely a night I will never forget and I will always regret. But today would be her third birthday if she stayed with us longer.

In memory of Stardust...

One reason our Stardust was so special to us was because she was the very first baby goat EVER born on our farm. It was a new experience and I would have to say one of the best experiences with baby goats we have ever had. She was so much like her mother - only sweeter. The night she was born was one of joy and excitement. She came out as a beautiful black and white baby girl with ears that looked as if they were dusted...with stardust. She also had the stardust around her eyes and her tail. Thus her name became Stardust.
 Stardust was a spunky little girl with so much energy, but she also had this calm, peaceful side to her as well. She loved the hugs I'd give her and loved all the caressing she recieved. She was also one of the two only goats who would jump in our arms. It was such a delight! Stardust was a jumper!
She also became a wonderful mother to two twin boys born to us on January 28, 2008. She loved them dearly and did a wonderful job raising them for the last three months she was with us.
Then on April 19, 2008, dogs came...and Stardust was no more. It was a horrific experience I never want to repeat again if the Lord wills it. It took a very long time afterwards to accept the fact that Stardust was no longer in existence. That sweet face I would see no longer. I still want her back and wish that somehow I could go back to that night, be prepared, and save all three of the does we lost, including Stardust. However, I know that is not possible.
I loved her and still love her to this day. Happy birthday Stardust my darling. You will NEVER be forgotten.

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