Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Gracie Dear!

Yesterday was our sweet Gracie's first birthday! What a wonderful addition she has been to our herd of 18 goats! Gracie is more of a quiet kind of doe...doesn't ask for anything (at least in goat language I mean!)...I think that's mainly because her momma, Essie, does all the speaking for her. :)
On March 28 Gracie came into the world on our farm. She was a darling! Then about a week later she came down with a really bad eye infection...making us think she was either blind or going to be blind. Taking her to the vet, we found out that by using this medicine she had a 50/50 chance of seeing to it's fullest again. We used it with hopes of success, and a couple weeks later her eyes began clearing up and then finally she could see! What a relief that was to me! Her eye sight was a story of a miracle and I'm very thankful to God that he healed her eyes! Since then she has grown in grace and poise. Sometimes her and her mother give us laughs by there ignorance of their surroundings...but I think it's just because they are both content and not in any hurry, which I suppose is a good thing. I love Gracie so much and am so thankful that she's a part of our herd! Happy birthday sweetie!

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Gracie! Happy birthday to you! (and many more!!)   :) 

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