Friday, March 26, 2010


Now the goats have figured out ANOTHER way to get into our North Field. Apparently the fence that we humans are supposed to go through to that field needs to be fixed a little too. Just the other day I was watching them slide right through at the bottom, and a lot of them were even climbing the fence making it lean in, and then they'd jump right over! And of course most of our really small goats were getting right through the holes of the other fences. As you can tell, these fences were not made to keep goats in! We're going to fix that problem soon however.
Charlotte is still getting soft on her ligaments and has an udder that's growing slowly but surely. Something tells me she's going to wait until the very beginning of April to kid...that's just my gut feeling. But sometimes I'm wrong. So I'm just going to sit back and watch the show not knowing what to expect!
Spencer is also doing wonderful! Our little boy (more like very BIG boy now) is growing and becoming a handsome buck. Apparently he's figured out how to eat grain to our great delight! He's also eating a lot of grass as we're only giving him a bottle and a half of his milk in the morning. The thing that has put us in a little bit of a "fix" is that Spencer has not learned to drink water from the trough. So yes, we bring him that too. You'd think by now he would have learned after watching the other goats drink it, but he has not - which is kind of worrying me. Because in my opinion...I don't want to have to bring water in a bottle to that cute boy for the rest of his life! It's time for him to grow up and do things on his own. And he has done very well - the water is the only problem we have at this moment. I think we're planning on castrating him pretty soon, but we are still debating it. I'll post when something's official.
So that's all the goat news...all 18 goats (including little Starlene!) are doing fabulous!

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