Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fixing Holes And Waiting On Charlotte

Boy! Over the course of  three days my sister and I have been fixing holes and fences that the goats keep getting through to the North Field. So far we've done a pretty fabulous job - I think. Take note that I only "think" we did, because just never know what those goats are going to do next. We could have missed something, I PRAY that we didn't - but there is always a possibility. So that's what we've been up to lately...fixing holes so that our goats won't get into the wrong fields. Lovely. But the fresh air has been nice, so it hasn't been that bad. :)
Charlotte's udder has gotten even bigger...we may have a late March baby(s) instead of an April baby(s) like I thought. If she's anything like her mother...we just won't know until it happens. So I'm sitting here waiting with a little bit of hesitance and little bit of excitement. I really want this one to be healthy.

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