Monday, March 15, 2010

When Will They Ever Learn?

Okay, so today we finally let our goats into our Orchard field...and guess what? THEY GOT OUT. Yes, those little naughty goats figured out how to slip into the North Field and then into our neighbor's field...when will they ever learn? The only naughty culprits I know of at this moment are Essie, Gracie, Valorie, Charlotte, and Arthur...there could be more...however they might have gone back to where they were supposed to be BEFORE I went out to move them. If they did, they are quite the clever ones. And what I find even funnier, Gracie and Essie were the first two to leave the neighbor's field...on their own will. I guess they're not as dumn as I thought.:) :) :)...
After I got them all out of the wrong fields I went to see Starlene and her mommy, and wouldn't you know it! Starlene was STANDING on top of her mother as she was laying down in the grass! Starly is so little and practically weightless that it didn't seem to bother Annaliese one just never know what those goats will come up with next! :)

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