Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lost And Found Bradley

Bradley is an adorable little chum! We have not EVER had a baby like Bradley, let me tell you - or a mother like Charlotte either. Let me explain. A couple days ago, Bradley was let out into the orchard with his mommy and the other goats. Our fingers were crossed that he would stay with his mother and not get lost. Well, he didn't. So that night, when we were closing our 19 goats, you can only imagine the horror that swept over our faces when we realized the little fellow was missing. We searched high and low - in the dark of all times! And we just could not find was almost like I was reliving the goat masacre (when a dog came and killed our three does, only not quite as bad). My whole body was going limp and my heart was aching to find our Bradley. After a few minutes of searching my older sister cried out, "I found him!" - to my GREAT relief! And where do you suppose the little boy was of all places? Bradley was found laying in a dog house in our lagoon area! Why do you ask? Well this is the funny, innocent part. My younger brother earlier in the day had put him in the dog house thinking that that would be a nicer place for him to lay down and rest while his mommy and the others graze. Well poor Bradley really took it to heart...and STAYED THERE ALL DAY. I guess he thought, "Well, I've been put here for a I guess I'm not supposed to leave until my mommy comes to get me." with pure innocence. But see here's the catch...his "mommy" didn't know where he was. So Bradley is sitting here in the dog house thinking his mommy has put him here, while his mother is oblivious to where in the world her son could be! It was just a big mix up.
So we took Bradley in our arms coddling him all the way up to his mother who gave him her motherly attention the moment he was set on the ground. Whew! I was so glad he was alright!
And then another time, probably the next day, the same thing happened again! We found he was gone, went frantically searching, only this time he was behind the gas cabinet which sits behind the loafing shed...what in the world is that kind of a place to rest, Charlotte dear? She obviously brought her "little dear" to the cabinet and told him to stay put...but why behind the gas cabinet? Oh well, she's a new mother - what can I say?

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