Monday, April 19, 2010

In Remembrance Of Stardust, Kara, And Starlight

Today is the two year anniversary since the horrendous goat masacre on our farm. April 19 ever since has been a date I dread. Around 2-3 am in the morning a dog came and attacked our goats...killing three. One immediately was killed, another was being killed, and the other was immensely injured - dying later that day. Stardust, Kara, and Starlight were the poor victums of this dog. What makes it even worse, we were outside witnessing some of this.
Here's how it happened:
We were all asleep. I was about half awake, until I all of a sudden heard a lot of barking and and our goats screaming at the top of their lungs. My heart stopped and I froze for a few seconds in my bed just listening to those aweful sounds coming fom outside. When my senses came to me, I woke my sister up, and together we went and got our dad. Heading out there was the worst part. The dog was on top of Cookie, our buck..thankfully, however, my dad got down there in time to scare him off. And then the dog went and got a hold of Kara, my doe...I couldn't see it happen - but I could hear it. And in some cases...the sounds are worse then the images seen. She screamed in pain the whole time we were down there...there was nothing we could do. Then, my sister found Starlight lying on the ground, suffering. She was badly injured - probably broken her neck or lungs. Stardust was the goat I wanted to find though...she was the first baby goat we had ever raised since birth on our farm - I just couldn't loose her! Sadly, however, my flashlight led me to her still, motionless body on the ground. She was dead. That's pretty much when my emotions came to me, and I cried my heart out. I loved Stardust - AND Kara AND Starlight...and they were all three no longer in existence. That night I went to sleep still hearing the cries of our suffering, helpless Kara. In the morning, my dad found her in the creek area of our woods, dead.
I will never forget that night. It was the worst nightmare I have ever had in my life. What's really happened. Cookie only lost part of one of his ears and suffered with a hurt leg for a while, but soon was healed and back to his old self. Stardust left two orphaned twins to us after her death...Joey and Jeffrey got on fine afterwards and grew to be very fine fellows. All the other goats that were not injured, but had witnessed the event, were in a shock afterwards...but eventually recovered.
As I am sure you know, our goats since then have grown in abundance. But no goat could replace Stardust, Kara, and Starlight and the memories we made with those amazing creatures God gave to us!
Stardust, Kara, and Starlight:
You will forever be remembered, forever missed, and forever be cherished in our memories.

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