Thursday, August 5, 2010

Picture Day! By Charlotte

This is the beautiful Charlotte! Yesterday was a lovely day, not weather wise...definitely MUCH too hot! But our goat mother came and took pictures of all of us!! Yes, my favorite thing! Only yesterday I really wasn't in the mood to have any of my gorgeous pics taken because I was eating! And let me tell you, when a momma goat is eating, you DON'T bother her. I have to feed my Bradley - do you know how much milk that takes? So, I was eating and not in the mood for any photos yesterday. Never the less, she took some anyway. I personally don't think they were very good ones since I wasn't even looking at the camera. But who knows, maybe they were. Comet and my little brother, Spencer, were sure enjoying their pictures being taken though. They both are pretty close I suppose because you always see them together. I wouldn't know why though, Comet is normally mean to EVERYBODY. But not usually Spencer. I guess he's a special guy. He is my brother after all.

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