Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pete's Curiosity

This morning it was REALLY frigid and misting outside. So I decided to give the goats some alfalfa pellets just in case they didn't get that much food today. Let's go back a little bit. Last night when we went down to close them up we foud only five in their normal shelter (the chicken house, which has now become the "goat" house), and the other ten were in a totally other shelter which happened to be the loafing shed that has a lot of hay in it. So we went a head and left them separated for the night, we didn't think it would hurt. Back to the present. So as I'm getting the alfalfa pellets out of the freezer in the first half of the loafing shed where the goats were on the other side, there's a fence separating me from the ten goats right where the freezer is. So like I said, as I'm reaching down trying to get some alfalfa pellets in my scooper I all of a sudden hear a really loud noise. I looked up and there was Pete (our REALLY big and tall boer buck) with his head poking up right above the freezer top that was lifted as he leaned on the fence separating us. The loud noise I heard was obviously him jumping up to lean on the fence.I thought it was so cute!! He's taller than me when his two front legs are leaning on something. He's probably almost six feet tall! He was just curious to see what I was getting. His expression looked like he was saying..."What are you getting? Can I see? Can I have some? Please?". Silly Goats. :) :) :)...

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