Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Goat House Thieves

Hello there. It's me, Cookie, once again! I'M BAAAACK! Well you'll just never believe me when I tell you this. Those little yellow and brown feather balls...oh excuse me, ducklings, have kicked us out of our goat house! Yes, I know, can you just believe it?! It's what I always say, at least now anyway, "We're being kicked out by those birds!" What a horrible thing to think of! Birds of all things! Well I just never thought I'd see the day. This is how it happened....oh and of course it's not because all nineteen of us have gotten into some trouble. News flash: WE'RE ALWAYS GETTING INTO TROUBLE. But not this time....yet.
Well those birds were growing bigger every day...I guess I never knew those things grew at all, they always looked so tiny compared to me. But apparently to the humans they were, because I thought I heard them saying one time..."those birds can barely fit in that cage at night anymore, they are just too big."  Once again, I have no idea WHERE they are getting that big part of the sentence because like I said...they are small to me. I'M JUST SAYIN'. Any who, the humans decided it was time for them to have a larger place to reside. And just where do you think they chose those birds to be...THAT'S RIGHT! The goat house. Or should I say...our goat house. Our house to sleep in at night. Our house!! Forgive me, if I had feathers like them, they would most certainly be VERY ruffled at this moment. But I don't. I wonder why? How do they get those feathers of their's? I'll have to ask them sometime. I might look good in feathers. A new look, a new me, a totally new goat! Although since I had feathers I might not be considered a goat any more. Maybe they would have to give me a new name like, goat bird or bird goat...OR MAYBE...OH! There I go again with the detailed brain of mine! Back to my story.
So the next thing I knew, I was staring at the faces of those ducklings IN the goat house pen (which is, if you are not smart enough to realize, where the goat house is). They waddled around like nothing was different. I heard one say to his clumsy friend...even though to me, they're ALL clumsy..."Wow! What a great place for us to stay, huh, Derald? I feel like I'm living in a castle! ...what...what is a castle, Derald?..." I won't get into the rest of his's quite boring. Just something ducks like to talk about I suppose. But the castle part just really got my attention! Yes, you probably do feel like you're living in a castle Donald, Crackers, or whoever you looks like a castle to you because you are small. That's why you shouldn't be there in the first place. But of course I know it's not the duckling's fault...I'm not that mean. It's the humans that had the veracity to do something so horrid to their sweet, innocent...well sometimes we're guilty, but we are goats...what more can you expect? Making trouble seems to be my strength. Don't tell anyone that of course.
Well this incident doesn't make any sense to the little brain of mine. Maybe I'll learn the reason someday....I won't blame anyone - yet. I still would like our goat house back though. NOW I'm huddled with eighteen other goats in the little loafing shed. One thing for certain...WE SURE KEEP NICE AND WARM! Someday I'll understand this.

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