Saturday, July 3, 2010

"Intense Eating, Pregnant Mothers, and Cookie's New Occupation" By Charlotte

Hello! This is the beautiful Charlotte!!

Well (once again) I am filling in for my dear friend Velvet - because she is a busy momma let me tell you. THIS BOY IS ALWAYS WANTING TO EAT. Every 5 seconds all of us hear him say to his mother, "More please! More, more, more momma!"  as he hops around with pleading eyes. When will that kid take a break from eating? Yes, I know he's growing - but come on, you have to digest all the milk you ate 5 seconds ago first. That's just my opinion. Other than that, he's pretty cute.
I realized I hadn't told you what he looked like when I announced his arrival. So I am going to tell you now. He's brown, with a white bottom and tail. He's got a white patch on one side, a white star on his forhead, and white feet - especially on his hind legs. He has a black stripe running down his back, and has a few black lines on his face - very handsome thing I must say. I will post a picture of him soon, just in case you didn't understand a word I said. That's always possible.
Okay. So that's the news about Patrick. He's very cute and won't stop eating. Now I have some even better news. I was watching my goat mother yesterday as she felt my mother's stomach. And would you believe it? This is what she said (or something to this extent), "Yup, Valorie, it looks like you are going to be having a baby." WHAHOOOOOO!!!!!! I am going to be another big sister to a little goatie soon!! Can't wait. 
And then I heard my goat mother telling Essie the same thing!!! Looks like in late August (or September, I really have no clue), we will have more little goaties running around!
Alright that's the really good news. But I guess something else I should mention is that poor Cookie is back on his chain...he was getting a little too wild over all of us again. Bless his his dear little heart.

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