Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rain, Rain, Rain, AND Mud, Mud, Mud... by Charlotte

The most beautiful goat in the world is BAAAACK!! Can you guess? Yup. It's Charlotte. :)
Well, a lot has happened over the past two weeks - I guess. But nothing really to make of note, other then Patrick has almost doubled in size. It's like I was saying - HE EATS A LOT. But hey, great results come from a lot of nutrition as shown by the little goatie.
My mom and Cassidy have not kidded yet. Their udders haven't really even filled up - looks like it won't be for a while. That's okay. I'm patient - I think.
Cookie is off his chain again and back at what he does best. I don't need to say ANYTHING more. Though I have to admit that it is kind of nice having him back with the herd. :)
I suppose one more thing that might be of interest to you is the fact that it has rained and rained and rained here for the past couple weeks. No stopping the rain, it just keeps coming. So of course because it has rained quite a bit, what do you think we have lots of right now? MUD!!!!! YUUUUCKYYY! Mud is NOT a goats best friend. Never has been and never will. But it sure likes to stick around and annoy all 20 of us. When will it go away? Who knows. The rain needs to stop so the mud will stop bothering us. Rain and mud must be best friends,  'cause they seem to always come together. Just a thought.

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