Monday, July 26, 2010

"Shivers Up My Bones! - And Then A Cheery Topic" By The Beautiful Charlotte

Charlotte here!

Well I am very proud to say that our goat house is clean again! Our goat mothers cleaned it out on Sunday in the hot sun just for we dears. What would we do without them? Only the Lord knows. And that's a true statement by the way.
For the past couple days it has been extremely hot and rainy - TORNADO WEATHER! But no tornados. I haven't really ever experienced one yet - but Velvet and Cookie have told us stories from a few years ago that give me shivers up my bones. One is bound to come soon - we haven't had any here this year. So it's about time. Not that I am wanting one to come of course - I'm just saying since we haven't had one yet, it is more likely we will have one in the near future. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Anyway, back to happy and cheery topics, my Bradley is growing up. Yes, it's hard to believe. He's a big boy now, no longer an itty bitty baby with short legs and short body. By far, NO! He's almost my size now! I guess that shows how short I am, although I always thought I was pretty tall. Oh well. If I could only get a mirror.

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